4 Ways Law Firms Can Be More Proactive on Their Online Marketing

Your law firm needs to have a website of its own – now more than ever.

Providing quality services, winning cases, and improving your brand will not be enough anymore. The role of marketing is indispensable in every business just like your law firm. No matter how good your lawyers might be, without a channel that can promote them on a broader range of audience, it would be hard to establish your name. Even worse, you can lose clients over your competitors just because they have a website.

Marketing is crucial in any business.

And in term of law firms, online marketing is becoming more and more important. It’s simply the best way to increase brand awareness. A website opens many doors for your legal team such as the opportunity to engage with your clients, educate your prospects, and build a stronger sense of credibility.

But it’s also not enough to have a website. You have to be proactive as well. 74 percent of prospective clients go to law firm websites to actually avail their services. Considering that numbers, law firms should take advantage of their websites to gain more customers.

The internet offers a lot of ways to boost your law firm’s branding. You just have to create a better strategy to beat your competitors. You have to come up with different marketing strategies to increase your presence in the market.

Here are some of the ways law firms can be more proactive in their online marketing.

Invest in SEO

When we say online marketing, SEO immediately appears on the scene.

Basically, the major goal of SEO marketing is to reach the top of Google search results. One of the most common strategies used in SEO is keyword development. Relevance is always at the top of the priority list. Your website should be able to provide answers to specific queries within specific topics.

SEO marketing can promote your brand by using in-depth keyword research. Using this practice, you can create more effective targeted marketing. Knowing what the people are searching for in this specific age group or area provides a useful tool to create relevant contents, which is the primary criteria to get a good spot on the search engine results.

Another one is adding geotags on your posts on social media and website blogs.

When a person in need of legal services searchers for the best law firms in Chicago, your organization should appear at the top of SERP. It’s like putting a red arrow on the Google Map and saying “We are here to help you.”

Learn About Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

PPC marketing is like distributing your flyers all over the internet.

Per-per-click marketing is very effective to spread your footprint not just on your website but also in other websites as well. You can even put some on the Google SERP, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

PPC works pretty much the same as SEO marketing in terms of targeted strategies.

This type of marketing targets specific groups of people through Google algorithms. Google Adsense, for example, takes care of the placement of your ads. It recognizes opportunities in different platforms and niches, depending on the kind of attention your business is seeking.

It responds to the search behaviour of the people. So, it some searches for something that involved legal services, your advertisement will most likely appear on their screens. And just like that, you can funnel them into your website once they click the ad.

Be Active on Social Media

There’s no better place to promote your brand than in social media.

It’s a digital world where you can discover different sorts of things such as the current best law firm in town. Social media provides a vast channel to promote your legal services. In one study about law firms, almost 96 percent of lawyers use social media to connect with prospective clients and settle deals.

Aside from creating a website, social media can also bring your law firm closer to people. Buzzwords can easily spread in this environment. Word-of-mouth marketing is very effective in social media. You can even get free advertising such User-Generated contents, which you can then use as re-purposed contents for your website.

Pro Tip: Start with Facebook and LinkedIn. Be active in these two platforms. Give advise and post helpful contents. Then, watch as your community grows over time.

Website Design

Don’t focus too much of your energy on marketing.

More than anything else, your website’s design will affect your entire online marketing campaign. After all, the law firms’ website becomes the face of your institution. It’s the first thing people see when they want to know more about your services.

Therefore, you should put a significant amount of time and effort to optimize your design. One of the best ways to do that is to improve the interface. It should be intuitive enough to make everything smooth for the visitors. Images and texts should provide hints on where to click and go.

You have to provide high-value contents to your readers. Consider the rules when displaying contents. You can use the rule of thirds for visual contents and the F-patter for your copies. Call-to-actions should also be placed strategically at the peak of interest, be it in copies or graphics contents. It’s essential to implement some of these practices to get the best results in your web design.

Including a social wall can also drastically boost your website design. In this area, you can put user-generated contents and engage with your prospective clients.


Author bio : Bryan Mixon is the owner of AmazeLaw.com, the website building for solo and small firm attorneys. Byran has been building websites since 1999 and has spent his last four years helping companies like HubSpot, Mill33, and LivingSocial. Bryan knows first hand how difficult it can be for small business owners to get their digital marketing off the ground, so he built AmazeLaw as a super-simple place for solo attorneys to build their sites, collect leads and get on with their days of doing lawyerly things.

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